I have a 24 hour cancellation policy, if you cancel or attempt to reschedule an appointment outside of that 24 hour window full appointment payment is due, if you have a package a session will automatically be deducted. I do not offer refunds. Please visit my Policies + FAQ page before purchasing any sessions, packages or trainings!

You can now pay and book online! Hassle and stress free!


Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work. It balances the body on every level, energetically (chakras), physically and even mentally. Reiki is used to help ease pain, distress, depression and bring clarity (I call it magic) into your life. Leave a session feeling like you’re walking on air, light yet grounded! I’ve been a reiki practitioner for over 7 years though I’ve been an energy worker and medium my whole life. I can’t wait to connect with you!

What to expect in a session.

Clients lay fully clothed on a massage table while I use traditional and intuitive hand positions to transmit reiki. Clients can expect to feel heat, warm fuzzies as I call them, waves of relaxation and emotional responses are completely normal!

$175 for 60 Minutes

$200 for 90 Minutes

Reiki Training

I offer one on one reiki trainings! To begin the process book a reiki session with me here to make sure our energies are a good fit. I offer Reiki 1,2, and Master trainings, I look forward to working with you!

Reiki 1- Learn the amazing healing art of reiki, you’ll learn how to create balance in your life, to manifest and how to minimize pain and create healing on all levels! You’ll be given your reiki attunement, a manual and the practice tools you need to be a confident healer.

Reiki 2- Learn the amazing healing art of reiki level 2, you’ll learn 3 symbols and their uses, you can treat clients, but most importantly your vibration will raise even more and your energy becomes stronger and clearer. You’ll receive a manual, attunement, and hands on practice! To receive a level 2 attunement you must already be attuned to level 1.

Reiki Master- There are two levels to Reiki Master, first is to receive your master symbol attunement, after practice, dedication and following me on a reiki 1 and 2 attunements you’ll be given Reiki Master Teacher Title.

To register please email ashleymastershealingarts@gmail.com or call 704.287.9552

Reiki 1- $500

Reiki 2-$800

Reiki Master-$1300

All Three Levels- $2300 (May take up to a year to complete)

Intuitive Readings

Have you ever had the desire to cut through the bullshit, make sense of the present and set a course for creating the future of your dreams? I combine my energy work, mediumship, angel tarot cards, crystals, yoga, self-care, astrological knowledge and life experience to guide you. Whether it be through breakups, breakdowns, shitstorms or simply needing a pep talk or tune-up, I am a neutral, unbiased source!


What to expect in a session.

No two people or situations are alike, therefore it’s impossible to describe exactly what things will end up looking like. You can expect discussion time, here you will chat about what’s in your heart and mind. Next is processing, this is where I draw on my gifts of clairsentience, clairvoyance, and intuition. I use many tools in this piece of the puzzle and listen to what’s needed for your higher good. Finally, charting a course, together we will create a plan to guide you through the life of your dreams!

$175 for 60 Minutes

Year Ahead Intuitive Readings

Want a Sneak peek at what the next 12 months are going to look like?!

Year ahead readings are a fantastic way to take a look and see what’s in store for the next 12 months! This 3 hour reading offers an in depth look so you can prepare, plan and get excited about your future!

$500 for 3 Hours

Intuitive Charting

Intuitve charting is like tapping into a fully stocked tool box, I'll draw on all my gifts ( Yoga, herbs, nutrition, exercise, Reiki, tarot, mediumship, pendulums, chakras, auras, astrology and creativeness) to help lift the veil, guide and make sense of the stuckness.

Who can benefit from Intuitive Charting?

If you've experienced a life change, career shift, traumatic incedent, move, eye opening experience or simply want to get to know yourself better and free up some stagnation, this is for you. You don't have to be a Charlotte local either, thanks to the wonderful power of the internet we can facetime! 

What does it look like?

The initial meeting is a 1-3 hour get to know you session, this is where we'll chat,  I'll do your astrological chart, read some tarot cards, swing the pendulum, and look at your chakras to see how thngs are spinning. From here we can chart a course to bring you back into balance with yourself. After the initial session we can determine a frequency of follow ups and you'll get some homework, yep, I used the word homework! It's really self work, but you get the drift. I can't wait to begin this journey with you!

Initial Consultation: $350

Follow Up (90 minutes): $200

Consultation and two follow ups: $650 (save $100)

Special: Initial Consultation and four follow ups: $1000 (save $150)

Sound Therapy/ Crystal Singing Bowls

Experience the Magic of sound therapy. Clients lay fully clothed on a massage table and are taken on a journey of vibration, healing and alignment. Each of your chakras and your entire energy field are cleared, aligned and left in a state of balance. This session is perfect to redirect, clear and refocus. You’ll leave feeling renewed and restored. Book as a stand alone session or add 30 minutes to any service!

$175 for 60 Minutes

$200 for 90 Minutes

$225 for $120 Minutes

$75 for 30 Minute Add on

Tuning Forks

These magical tools help balance chakras and elevate the vibration within the body and auric field. By activating the forks and placing them on specific areas of the body, you’ll feel the vibration physically and energetically, leaving you feeling grounded yet somehow simultaneously light! This session can be booked as a 30 minute add on to an existing session or as a 60 minute stand alone session.

$175 for 60 Minutes

$75 for 30 Minute Add on


Energy Clearing

Have you every felt heavy, disregulated, foggy and exhausted? It may not just be lack of sleep! Sometimes our energy is drained by situations, experiences or even other people. Clearing and smudging is a powerful way to help lift the fog and leave you feeling clear and open!

Receive an energy clearing/smudge before and after your session.

This is an add on session.
